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Java Hole: Web Graffiti & Covert Channels

Web Graffiti & High Bandwidth Covert Channels Using Java

While developing a chat server using Java as a frontend, we've
been exploiting what we think is a new Java security hole in
Java-enabled browsers such as Netscape.  The hole allows for
opening sockets to arbitrary ports on web servers that serve
Trojan-horse applets.

We've also used a known security hole (covert channels) first mentioned
in work by the SIP group at Princeton to create what we call
'Web Graffiti' - the dynamic insertion of text, graphics, applets, into 
HTML pages.  

Both of these attacks are three-party attacks and require Trojan-
horse applets.  For a draft of a paper that is work in progress, 
point your browser to:


Chad Yoshikawa		Brent Chun
chad@cs.berkeley.edu	bnc@cs.berkeley.edu
